Dr. A.F.M. Saiful Amin
Department of Civil Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
Connecting with Bridges
Advances in Bridge Engineering [I-IV]
BAETE, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
Board of Accreditation for Engineering & Technical Education (BAETE)
Helping You Achieve Success
Saiful Amin
Professor Dr. A.F.M. Saiful Amin, an educator and expert in the field of engineering, is also a leading proponent and promoter of engineering education and sustainable infrastructure in Bangladesh.
Dr. Amin plays a vital role in improving the quality of education in Engineering as the Chairman of the Board of Accreditation for Engineering and Technical Education at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, which is a full signatory of the Washington Accord. He holds the pride to lead this body to the global recognition.
Civil Engineering
Bridge Engineering
Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety
Engineering Education
Collaboration Partners
Infrastructure Development
Crowning Summaries
The BUET-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) was established by the Syndicate of BUET on 30 December, 2009 as a development project of the Government of Bangladesh with the financial support from the Government of Japan. The purpose of the institute is to provide a platform for teaching, learning and research in the field of disaster prevention and urban safety that will contribute to reduce disaster risk of the country. The aim of this institute is to assist the government of Bangladesh to strengthen and maintain the infrastructures all over the country and to prevent and well manage natural disasters.
Dr. Amin holds the pride to commence three post graduate courses at this Institute during his directorship tenure.
Human resources and industrial development in the field of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety
We strengthen the capacity of engineering professionals in Bangladesh regarding the issues of infrastructure management and disaster mitigation including urban safety.
Curriculam for post-graduate level studies and research
BUET-JIDPUS is currently running three post graduate programs with unique tracks in disaster risk reduction sector.
Reduction of fire hazards
BUET-JIDPUS conducts small scale fire tests, awaits expansion of structural fire laboratory for large scale tests and gets involved in safety inspection of fire damaged buildings.
Earthquake Early Warning System for Bangladesh
We work on addressing the technical challenges and possibilities of implementing an earthquake early warning system in Bangladesh to protect the country’s national assets. This is the first known initiative of this type in Bangladesh.
Health Monitoring of the Padma Bridge Rail Link Tracks
We are exploring the possibility of conducting a numerical study together with laboratory and field experiments, including fatigue tests, dynamic tests, and static tests to ensure safety of rail tracks built on alluvial soft soil of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Army and CREC are our supporters to provide technical supports. Bangladesh Railway is the direct beneficiary from such efforts.
Self Portrait
Professor Dr. Saiful Amin’s work has certain characteristics like embracing modern innovative thinking, doing research-based professional work for the welfare of humanity, working constructively, and working with the young and the old. He believes that the success of a leader lies in making timely decisions by abandoning a singular vision when necessary and properly evaluating team members’ opinions.
Press and Media
Visionary Planning

Padma Bridge — New Lifeline of Development
Recently BSRM and The Daily Star organised a...
New Generation

ব্লেন্ডেড লার্নিং নীতিমালার খসড়া চূড়ান্ত করলো ইউজিসি
উচ্চশিক্ষায় সশরীর ও অনলাইন শিক্ষা সমন্বিত করে...
Greater Outreach

Advances in Bridge Engineering
The Dhaka Conference on ‘Advances in Bridge...
What I am doing now
Dr. Amin is also at present the director of BUET’s Institute for Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety, focused on research on disaster management and disaster risk reduction and creating a more skilled workforce for the country. He currently leads the country’s largest research project on earthquake-related disaster management and natural disaster-related risk reduction. Run with the help of Japan, its results will play a major role in making national policy in a host of relevant fields.
From 1998 to 2007, Dr. Amin conducted fundamental research on using high-damping rubber bearings to protect bridges from earthquakes in Japan, Bangladesh, and Germany. This internationally tested and successful technology has been directly applied in the construction of the second Kanchpur-Meghna-Gumti bridges recently constructed on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway, for the first time in Bangladesh.
On behalf of BUET, Dr. Amin also serves as the team leader in the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Rail Link Project, one of the mega projects of the Government of Bangladesh, and he is also serving as an expert in designing, constructing, repairing, and maintaining important buildings and infrastructure as well as Bangabandhu Bridge, Repair and Rehabilitation of Health monitoring of bridges, Kanchpur-Meghna-Gumti bridges, Dhaka Elevated Expressway, Payra Bridge, Bangladesh Textile University, and various large and small bridges.