
Interactions with Professional Bodies

Visiting Professorships

Institute of Mechanics, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany

Institute of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Kassel, Germany

Guest & Keynote Lectures

Design, construction and maintenance of bridges in Bangladesh:
In the past, present and future, Keynote address in the IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-III & Centennial Celebration of Hardinge Bridge
August 21-22, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bridge Dynamics and its Applications in Maintenance and Rehabilitation
ICE-IEB Seminar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
29 September, 2012

Seminar uber Fragen der Mechanik
Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
On developing a physically-based and thermomechanically-consistent constitutive theory for rubber with special reference to temperature history effects: Some thoughts for the future studies
Friday, 04 September 2009

International Collaborative Graduate Program
Saitama University, Japan on Improved Application of High Damping Rubber for Earthquake Resistant Design in Asia-Pacific Region
5-6 March 2008

Seminar on Applied Mechanics Series
McGill University, Canada
High Damping Rubber in Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures and Development of Constitutive Models for Rubber
6th August, 2007

Seminar on Applied Mechanics Series
Department of Building Civil & Environmental Engineering
Concordia University, Canada
High Damping Rubber in Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures and Development of Constitutive Models for Rubber
July 26, 2007

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Braunchweig, Germany
High Damping Rubber for Base Isolation Bearings: Experimental Characterization, Constitutive Modeling and FEM Implementation
03 May 2007

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
University of Federal Armed Forces Munich, Germany
Application of High Damping Rubber for Base Isolation Bearings
28 March 2007

Lecture Series on Mechanics
Institute of Mechanics, University of Kassel, Germany
High Damping Rubber for Base Isolation Bearings: Experiments and Constitutive Modeling
30 October 2004

Referee for Peer Reviewed Journals

International Journal of Plasticity
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
Mechanics of Materials
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures

Citations in Peer Reviewed Journals

Mechanics of Materials
Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE)
International Journal of Plasticity
Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM)
European Journal of Mechanics: Part A: Solids
Acta Mechanica
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Computational Mechanics
International Journal of Mechanical Science
Springer Proceedings in Physics
Smart Materials and Structures
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics
Journal of Material Engineering and Performance

Editor, Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

As the first journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, the Journal went online in October 2006.


Associate Editor, Journal of Civil Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh